Economic and Social Council Humanitarian Affairs Segment Palais des Nations, Geneva, 24 to 26 June 2019

On 11 April ECOSOC adopted a decision that the theme for the 2019 ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment (HAS) will be “Promoting action to save lives, reach those in need and reduce humanitarian risk, vulnerability and need: looking towards the seventieth anniversary of the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and the climate summit called for by the Secretary-General”.

The Humanitarian Affairs Segment opens its doors on 24-26 June at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. Since 1998 the Segment has been an essential platform for discussing issues related to strengthening the coordination and effectiveness of the humanitarian assistance of the United Nations, including assessing progress and identifying emerging issues, obstacles and challenges. It also promotes the sharing of experiences and lessons learned at the national and regional level. The organization of the HAS includes a General Debate, including action on the annual ECOSOC humanitarian resolution, two HighLevel Interactive Panels, and approximately fifteen side-events. The HAS precedes by the annual informal ECOSOC Event on the Transition from Relief to Development, which links discussions between the ECOSOC Operational Activities for Development Segment and the HAS, in the morning of 24 June.

the ECOSOC HAS side event organized under the umbrella of the Compact was held on Monday June 24 from 13.15-14.45 at the UN Palais.