ActionAid joins the Compact : Welcome!

We are delighted to announce that ActionAid has formally joined the Compact for Young People in Humanitarian Action. Through the Compact, ActionAid will increase support to young people affected by crises in their struggle to bring new ideas and change and to transform and shape more just, equitable and sustainable societies. ActionAid combines a very strong commitment to feminism and very strong involvement of young women and young men in humanitarian and development work. ActionAid believes that young people are key change agents and can contribute to a feminist, fair and inclusive humanitarian system that serves and listen those worst affected by conflict and disaster.

ActionAid enters the Compact with a report called “Shifting power to young people – How young people can lead and drive solutions in humanitarian action” that explores the federations experiences and practices of engaging young people in humanitarian action. The report aims to improve the engagement of young people as stakeholders and leaders in humanitarian action looking at what is currently happening in practice. It has asked young people about their experience - what is working well, and where improvements must be made.

See the report here: