CARE joins the Compact : Welcome!

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CARE recognizes the power of adolescent and youth participation and leadership to drive transformative change in all settings and situations, and as such is proud to partner with governments, private organizations, youth organizations, and other INGOs as a member of the Compact for Young People in Humanitarian Action.

CARE seeks to meet the unique needs of young people in crisis-affected and fragile states to identify, absorb, and adapt to shocks, manage growing risks, and address underlying causes of vulnerability. We believe youth of all genders have the right to access to quality, rights-based information and services even during emergencies, and deserve opportunities to lead and contribute to decision-making processes along the emergency to development continuum. By joining the Compact, we reaffirm our commitment to these ideals and welcome the chance to collaborate with others who are working to ensure the needs, perspectives and capacities of young people are meaningfully included in humanitarian response efforts.  


Photo: Youth Leaders from the VIjanna Juu (Stand Up for Youth) program in North Kivu, DRC.