A global call to prioritize the needs and rights of young women and men, girls and boys affected by disaster, conflict, forced displacement and other emergencies.


Launched at the World Humanitarian Summit, the Compact for Young People in Humanitarian Action is an unprecedented and collective commitment of 60+ humanitarian actors working to ensure that the priorities of young people are addressed and informed, consulted, and meaningfully engaged throughout all stages of humanitarian action.  

All photographs provided by, and copyright of, the Members of the Compact


The Compact for Young People in Humanitarian Action is excited to share a brand-new resource: the Young Humanitarian Handbook. This guide is designed for all young people engaged or interested in humanitarian work, providing a clear, step-by-step approach to help you navigate the sector.

It answers four key questions that every young humanitarian may ask:

  • How can I deliver services to those most in need?

  • How can I make my voice heard in decision-making?

  • How and where can I grow my skills and knowledge?

  • How do I access the resources I need?

Packed with practical tips, self-care advice, and inspiring stories from young humanitarians around the world, the handbook is your go-to resource, whether you're new to humanitarian action or already involved. It supports the implementation of the IASC Guidelines on Working with Young People in Humanitarian Action.

We hope the Young Humanitarian Handbook will be a valuable tool in your journey as a young humanitarian leader.

Check it out now and download it here! The Young Humanitarian Handbook is available in Arabic (اللغة العربية), English, French (Français), Romanian (Română), Spanish (Español) and Ukrainian (Українська).

ECOSOC HAS Side Event Announcement: Investing in Youth for a Better Humanitarian Response

Join us on Friday, June 28th from 10-11:15 AM at the UN Secretariat in New York for a vital discussion on "Investing where it counts: Putting young people at the centre of humanitarian action and prioritizing education in emergencies to accelerate sustainable development." REGISTER HERE


“ If you will make the space for us - we will shine! “

Compact Members show strong commitment for the roll out of the new IASC Youth Guidelines



Find out about what the Compact does

Learn more ➟


Five key actions

To transform humanitarian action

Learn more ➟

Find the latest updates and information on working with and for young people amidst the global COVID-19 pandemic here


Members of the Compact

ActionAid, Act for Human Rights - ALEF Association, Association AJIL, Anti-Tribalism Movement, arche noVa, Benetton, Group Barranquilla +20, CARE, Committee for ASEAN Youth Cooperation, Crown Agents, Denmark, Danish Refugee Council, FinnChurchAid, Germany, Global Development Community at Boston University, Global Platform for Syrian Students - GP4SYSGooddler, DOZ e. V., IASC Gender Standby Capacity Project - GenCap, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent – IFRC, International Federation of Medical Students Association – IFMSA, International Movement of Catholic Students - Pax Romana, International Rescue Committee - IRCInternational Planned Parenthood Federation, Population Council, Istanbul Youth Assembly, Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia) - MYAN, Mercy Corps, Norwegian Refugee Council – NRC, Office of the UN Secretary General's Envoy on Youth, One Young World, Plan International, Reach out to Asia – ROTA, Relief & Resilience through Education in Transition - RET International, ReBootKamp – RBK, Republic of Madagascar, Restless Development, Right To Play, Save Youth Future Society, Save the Children,Terres des Hommes – TDH, The Humanitarian Forum, United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth – UNMGCY, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network Youth – SDSN-Youth, United Nations Development Programme – UNDP, United Nations Population Fund – UNFPA, United Nations Human Settlements Programme - UN–Habitat, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees – UNHCR, United Nations Children’s Fund – UNICEF, United Nations Industrial Development Organisation – UNIDO, United Kingdom Department for International Development - UK-DFID, United Muslim Relief – UMR, United Network of Young Peace Builders – UNOY, United Nations Peace Building Support Office - UN PBSO, UN Volunteers - UNV, United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women - UN WOMEN, War Child Holland, World Food Programme - WFP, WeYouth, Women's Refugee Commission – WRC, World Organisation of the Scout Movement – WOSM.